Connecting the community

Around Collegeville-Home

Around Collegeville is all about connecting the community and local businesses. Find things to do, events, volunteer opportunities, local businesses and more. Local marketing and advertising solutions for small businesses.

Please consider shopping local. Shopping local supports local businesses that support our local events, youth sports, local charities, other local businesses and so much more.

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logo smJ.jpg is the largest community website serving Collegeville, Phoenixville, Skippack Village and other nearby areas. Around Collegeville was established to connect the community, people, and local businesses. Our mission is to be the best resource for area residents to make the most of what the area has to offer. Find what is nearby and more.

Shop Local-We know you have choices when shopping, the community appreciates when you choose to shop locally. Local businesses in Collegeville, Phoenixville, Skippack, and surrounding areas can connect through advertising opportunities and more to reach more clients and customers. Compliment your marketing plan with us. Checkout the opportunities !

Moving to the area or looking for real estate ? Checkout our real estate page to find a new home in Collegeville, Phoenixville, Skippack Village, Royersford, Limerick, Spring City and more !

Find things to do, local events, area parks, fitness, and active living. Checkout local real estate, indoor and outdoor living sections. Shop local ! Locate local businesses in our business directory. If you own or manage a local business close to Collegeville, Phoenixville, or Skippack, checkout advertising opportunities on our page.